The Lexicon

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, I had way too much time on my hands and, despite my variety of hobbies, I found myself unaccountably bored. What better, I thought, than to wade through my Collins Concise English Dictionary and make a list of words of which I had never heard!

Yes, I really did this.

Yes, I know: I am a very, very sad person.

No, don't write to bully me about it - I had enough of that at school!

Anyway, as "Reader's Digest" says: "It pays to enrich your word power"! I might be sad enough to have a look at the entire Oxford English dictionary one day - probably not until about twenty years time when I retire though. So if you have heard of any interesting words that are not listed here, by all means send me an e-mail!

Click on a letter below to go straight to words under that letter:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W, X, Y, Z

  • Amanuensis:  Literary assistant
  • Anachronism:  Something/someone out of harmony with a time period
  • Anthropocentric:  Regarding man as centre of existence
  • Anthropomorphism:  Attribution of human form to god, animal or thing
  • Antonym:  Word opposite in meaning to another
  • Aphasia:  Partial or total loss of speech - i.e. "Phased"!
  • Aphorism:  Short, pithy maxim.
  • Apophthegm:  Terse or pithy saying
  • Apostacy:  Renunciation of a belief once held
  • Arcadian:  Ideally rustic; one who leads simple, rustic life
  • Atavism:  Resemblance to remote ancestors rather than parents
  • Autochthonous:  Indigenous, aboriginal
  • Axiom:  Established or accepted principle; self-evident truth

  • Baksheesh:  Gratuity, tip, (Persian)
  • Bathos:  Unintentional lapse in mood from the sublime to the absurd or trivial
  • Bellicose:  Eager to Fight; warlike
  • Benthanism:  Belief in greatest happiness, or greatest number as a guiding principle of ethics; philosophy based on this
  • Blitzkrieg:  Intensive campaign of war intended to bring about a swift victory
  • Bohemian:  Socially unconventional
  • Borborygmus:  Rumbly tummy noises!
  • Bucolic:  Of shepherds, rustic, pastoral
  • Byzantine:  Inflexible, underhand

  • Cabal:   Secret intrigue, political clique
  • Callipygous:   having shapely buttocks
  • Calumniate:   Slander, defame
  • Calumny:   Slander; malicious representation
  • Canard:   Unfounded rumour or story
  • Cant:   Insincere pious or moral talk; language peculiar to one class of people; jargon
  • Cantabile:   In smooth, flowing style
  • Capitulate:   Surrender, esp. on stated conditions
  • Captious:   Fond of finding fault; raising petty objections
  • Carminative:   Curing flatulence
  • Catachresis:   Incorrect use of words
  • Catamite:   The passive partner in homosexual practices
  • Categorical:   Unconditional, absolute, explicit
  • Catharsis:   Emotional release in drama or art; purgation
  • Cavil:   Take exception (at); carp; find fault; petty objection
  • Celidh:   Informal gathering for music, dancing, etc
  • Chiaroscuro:   Treatment of light and shade in painting; contrast in literature
  • Chicanery:   Clever but misleading talk, trickery, deception
  • Chryselephantine:   made of, or overlaid with, gold and ivory
  • Circadian:   Occurring about once a day
  • Circumlocution:   Roundabout expression, evasive talk, verbosity
  • Cicatrix:   Scar tissue
  • Cladistics:   Study of connections between animal species by analysis of their common features
  • Colloquy:   Talk, conversation
  • Comestibles:   Things to eat
  • Concatenate:   Link together, form sequence of
  • Concupiscence:   Intense sexual desire
  • Confrere:   Fellow member of profession
  • Consanguineous:   Descended from same ancestor; kin
  • Crepuscular:   Of twilight; dim; not yet fully enlightened.
  • Croesus:   Person of great wealth
  • Curmudgeon:   Bad tempered person
  • Cynosure:   Centre of attraction or admiration

  • Daguerreotype:   Early photograph using chemically treated plate
  • Deliquesce:   Become liquid; melt; dissolve in moisture from air
  • Dendrochronology:   Chronology by study of tree growth rings
  • Desideratum:   Thing that is lacking but needed or desired
  • Dichotomy:   Division into two parts or kinds
  • Dilettante:   One who dabbles in subject without serious study of it
  • Dionysian:   Sensual, wild, unrestrained
  • Dirigible:   Capable of being guided
  • Discombobulated:   Confused
  • Doppelganger:   Wraith of living person
  • Draconian:   Very harsh; cruel

  • Ebullition:   Sudden outburst of passion or emotion; boiling
  • Ebullient:   Exuberant, high spirited
  • Eclectic:   Selecting ideas or beliefs from various sources
  • Ectomorph:   A slim person!
  • Egalitarian:   Of or advocating equal rights for all
  • Egregious:   Outstandingly bad
  • Eldritch:   Weird, hideous
  • Elysium:   Abode of the blessed after death
  • Encomium:   Formal or high-flown praise
  • Endomorph:   Person with soft round build of body
  • Ennui:   Mental weariness; feeling of boredom
  • Ephemeral:   Lasting or living only a day; transitory
  • Epistemology:   Theory of method or grounds of knowledge
  • Eructation:   Belching
  • Eschatology:   Doctrine of death and afterlife
  • Etymology:   Origin and development of words
  • Euphemism:   Use of mild or indirect expression instead of blunt one
  • Evanescent:   Quickly fading
  • Exegesis:   Explanation
  • Existentialism:   Philosophical theory emphasising existence of the individual as free and responsible agent determining his own development
  • Exonerate:   Free or declare free from blame

  • Fabian:   Cautiously persistent; aiming at gradual social change
  • Fecund:   Prolific, fertile; fertilising
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification:   The above is the longest word in the English language but is not in many dictionaries!
  • Fulminate:   Express censure loudly and forcefully; explode violently; flash like lightening

  • Galvanic:   Producing an electrical current by chemical action; stimulating; full of energy; sudden and remarkable
  • Garrulous:   Talkative
  • Grandiloquent:   Pompous or inflated in language

  • Hades:   (Greek myth.) - the underworld; abode of the dead
  • Halycon:   Calm and peaceful; happy and prosperous
  • Harangue:   Lengthy and earnest speech
  • Hebdomadal:   Weekly
  • Hedonism:   Belief in pleasure as the proper aim
  • Heuristic:   Serving or helping to find out or discover; proceeding by trial and error
  • Histrionic:   Dramatic or theatrical in manner or to impress others
  • Hyperbole:   Statement exaggerated for special effect

  • Iambus:   Metrical foot
  • Icthyology:   Study of fishes
  • Iconoclast:   One who assails cherished beliefs
  • Ignominious:   Humiliating
  • Imbroglio:   Complicated or confused situation
  • Impecunious:   Having little or no money
  • Incorporeal:   Without substance or material existence
  • Incubus:   Oppressive person or thing; evil spirit
  • Isochronous:   Occupying equal time; occurring at same time
  • Isomorphic:   Substance having same form as another

  • Jingoism:   Blustering patriotism; supporter of bellicose(qv) policy
  • Jurisprudence:   Science or philosophy of law
  • Juxtapose:   Put side by side

  • Kinematic:   Of motion considered abstractly without reference to force or mass
  • Kleptomania:   Abnormal urge to steal

  • Lachrymose:   Given to crying; tearful
  • Laconic:   Terse, using few words
  • Lammas:   First day of August
  • Laodicean:   Lacking zeal, esp. in religion or politics
  • Lascivious:   Lustful; inciting to lust
  • Lassitude:   Languor, disinclination to exert or interest oneself
  • Lattitudinarian:   Liberal, esp. in religion
  • Legerdemain:   Slight of hand; trickery; sophistry; juggling
  • Leviathan:   Anything very large or powerful
  • Lexical:   Of the words of a language
  • Lexicography:   Compiling of dictionaries
  • Lexis:   Words, vocabulary; total stock of words in a language
  • Ligneous:   Of the nature of wood; woody
  • Lilliputian:   Diminutive person or thing
  • Lingua franca:   Language used by speakers whose native languages are different
  • Lubricity:   Skill in evasion; lewdness; slipperiness
  • Luddite:   Person engaged in seeking to obstruct progress
  • Lugubrious:   Doleful

  • Machiavellian:   Elaborately cunning; deceitful, perfidious
  • Macrocosm:   Universe; any great whole
  • Malapropism:   Ludicrous misuse of word, i.e. mistaking it for one sounding similar
  • Malthusianism:   Doctrine that population should be restricted to prevent increase beyond means of subsistence
  • Mendacious:   Untruthful, lying
  • Mephistophelean:   Fiendish
  • Meritocracy:   Government by persons selected for merit
  • Mesomorph:   Person with muscular, compact body build
  • Metaphysics:   Theoretical philosophy of existence and knowledge
  • Micturition:   Urination
  • Misanthrope:   One who avoids human society; hater of mankind
  • Misogynist:   One who hates all women
  • Myopia:   Short sighted
  • Myrmidon:   Hired ruffian, base servant

  • Naevus:   Birthmark in form of sharply defined red mark in skin
  • Narcissism:   Abnormal self-love or self-admiration
  • Narcosis:   Insensible state; induction of this
  • Necessitarianism:   Denial of free will and belief that all action is determined by causes
  • Nepotism:   Favouritism shown to relatives in conferring offices
  • Nescient:   Not having knowledge of
  • Neuralgia:   Intense intermittent pain in nerves, esp.of face and head
  • Nictitate:   Blink, wink
  • Noblesse oblige:   Privilege entails responsibility

  • Obfuscate:   Obscure or confuse, stupefy, bewilder
  • Objurgate:   Chide or scold
  • Obloquy:   Abuse; being generally ill spoken of
  • Obsequious:   Servile; fawning
  • Omnifarious:   Of all sorts
  • Omniscient:   Knowing everything or much
  • Onanism:   Look it up, its a rude word I had not heard before!
  • Ontology:   Branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being
  • Opprobrious:   Severely scornful, abusive
  • Opprobrium:   Disgrace; bad reputation, cause of this
  • Orotund:   Dignified, pompous, imposing, boastful
  • Ostensible:   Pretended, put forward to conceal what is real
  • Oxymoron:   Contradictory words, e.g. Cheerful pessimist

  • Pabulum:   Food, esp. for the mind
  • Palindrome:   Word or verse, etc., that reads the same backwards as forwards
  • Panacea:   Universal remedy
  • Pandemic:   Prevalent over whole country or world
  • Panegyric:   Lauditory, discourse
  • Pantheism:   Belief that God is everything and everything God
  • Pariah:   Member of low caste; social outcast
  • Parkinson's Law:   Notion that work will always take as long as the time available for it!
  • Paroxysm:   Sudden outburst of rage, laughter, disease, etc
  • Parsimonious:   Someone who is thrifty, careful use of money; mean or stingy
  • Parthenogenesis:   Reproduction from gametes without fertilization
  • Peccadillo:   Trifling offence; venial sin
  • Pedagogue:   Schoolmaster; teacher
  • Pedagogy:   Science of teaching
  • Perfidious:   Breaching faith
  • Peripatetic:   Going from place to place; itinerant
  • Periphrastic:   Circumlocution; roundabout way of speaking
  • Persiflage:   Banter; light raillery
  • Perspicacious:   Having mental penetration or discernment
  • Perspicuous:   Clearly expressed; easily understood
  • Pertinacious:   Determined in some belief or cause; persistent; obstinate
  • Phantasmagoria:   Shifting scene of real or imagined figures
  • Philanthropist:   One showing concern for welfare of mankind, shown by acts of benevolence
  • Philology:   Science of language
  • Phlegmatic:   Calm; not easily agitated
  • Physiognomy:   Features or type of face; the study of this
  • Polemics:   Art or practice of controversial discussion
  • Polemic:   Verbal attack; controversial
  • Polymorphous:   Varying in individuals; passing through successive variations
  • Pontificate:   Be pompously dogmatic; play the pontiff
  • Popinjay:   Fob, conceited person
  • Postprandial:   After lunch or dinner
  • Prophylactic:   Tending to prevent disease or other misfortune
  • Protagonist:   Chief character in drama or plot
  • Pugnacious:   Disposed to fight; aggressive
  • Pulchritude:   Beauty
  • Pusillanimous:   Lacking courage; timid

  • Quintessence:   Purest and most perfect form or manifestation of something
  • Quixotic:   Extravagantly and romantically chivalrous
  • Quotidian:   Daily; everyday; commonplace

  • Rabelaisian:   Exuberant in style with coarse humour
  • Raconteur:   Teller of anecdotes
  • Rancour:   Inveterate bitterness; malignant hate
  • Rapacious:   Grasping, extortionate, predatory
  • Repudiate:   Disown, disavow, reject, refuse dealings with
  • Rhetoric:   Art of persuasive or impressive speaking or writing
  • Rodomontade:   Boastful talk
  • Rubicund:   Ruddy, high coloured (esp.complexion)
  • Rumbustious:   Boisterous, uproarious

  • Sagacious:   Having or showing insight or good judgement
  • Salacious:   Indecently erotic; lecherous
  • Sanguinary:   Accompanied by or delighting in bloodshed
  • Sanguine:   Optimistic; bright, florid complexion
  • Sassenach:   Englishman
  • Saturnine:   Of gloomy temperament
  • Scatology:   Preoccupation with the obscene or with excrement
  • Schadenfreude:   Malicious enjoyment of other peoples misfortunes
  • Scurrilous:   Grossly or obscenely abusive
  • Scylla and Charybdis:   Two dangers or extremes such that one can be avoided only by approaching the other
  • Semantic:   Of meaning in language
  • Sequester:   Seclude; isolate; sequestrate
  • Serendipity:   Faculty of making happy discoveries by accident
  • Sibylline:   Mysteriously prophetic
  • Sinology:   Study of Chinese language and history
  • Sisyphean:   Endless and fruitless task
  • Soubriquet:   Nickname
  • Socratic irony:   Pose of ignorance assumed to entice others into refutable statements
  • Solecism:   Offence against grammar, etiquette or idiom
  • Soliloquy/Soliloquize:   Talking without or regardless of hearers
  • Solipsism:   View that the self is all that exists or can be known
  • Somnambulism:   Sleep walking
  • Somnolent:   Sleepy, drowsy
  • Sophism/Sophistry:   False argument, one that is intended to deceive
  • Sophist:   Captious or fallacious reasoner; quibbler
  • Speleology:   Scientific study of caves
  • Stakhanovite:   Worker (esp.Russian)
  • Stentorian:   Loud and powerful voice
  • Strabismus:   Squinting, squint
  • Sudorific:   Causing sweating
  • Sybarite:   Self-indulgent or luxury-loving person
  • Sycophant:   Flatterer, toady
  • Syllogism:   Form of reasoning in which from two propositions a third is deduced

  • Taciturn:   Reserved in speech; saying little
  • Tautology:   Saying of same thing twice over but using different words
  • Tendentious:   Designed to advance a cause
  • Tergiversation:   Change of party or principles; apostasy; making of conflicting statements
  • Termagant:   Overbearing woman, virago
  • Teutonic:   Of Germanic peoples and languages
  • Thespian:   Of tragedy or drama
  • Thraldom:   Bondage
  • Trichology:   Study of hair
  • Truculent:   Pugnacious, defiant, aggressive

  • Ubiquitous:   Present everywhere or in several places simultaneously
  • Unequivocal:   Not ambiguous, plain, unmistakable
  • Urbane:   Courteous, elegant
  • Ursine:   Of or like a bear
  • Utilitarianism:   Doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or for benefit of the majority
  • Utopia:   Imagined perfect place or state of things
  • Uxorious:   Greatly or excessively fond of one's wife!

  • Vacillate:   Fluctuate in opinion or resolution
  • Valediction:   Bidding farewell; words used in this
  • Valetudinarian:   Person of poor health or unduly anxious about his health
  • Verisimilitude:   Appearance of being true or real
  • Vicarious:   Experienced imaginatively through another person; acting or done for another; delegated
  • Vicissitude:   A change of fortune or circumstances
  • Vitriolic:   Caustic or hostile
  • Vulpine:   Crafty, cunning, of like a fox

  • Xenophobia:   Morbid dislike of foreigners
  • Yahoo:   Bestial person (race of brutes in Gulliver's Travels)
  • Zenith:   Point of heavens directly above observer

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